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App-V end-of-life
what is the alternative?!

App-V versus MSIX

In 2012, Microsoft launched its application virtualization and delivery solution App-V and many enterprise organizations are still using it today. In 2015, the most recent version was released after which Microsoft stopped actively developing App-V. Currently, App-V is in “extended support” until 2026.

Microsoft is working on a successor in the form of MSIX. To date, however, MSIX does not yet offer the same functionality and compatibility as App-V does. For example: the success rate of packaging, without additional external tooling, is about 40% and most features are limited to Windows 11. As a result, organizations are looking into alternatives for their application management and -delivery.

See how it works? Get in touch!

In the end, it is better to show than tell. We’d love to show you how FlexApp works or to think along about your application delivery strategy. Just leave your contact details and we will come back to you a.s.a.p.!

Be prepared

Although App-V is still available for now, 2026 is approaching fast. It is therefore important to explore the alternatives to App-V in a timely manner. Especially when you are in the process of transforming the workplace, want to further automate, or are pursuing a hybrid scenario, it may be a good time to take a close look at application management.

Application Layering as an alternative

Liquidware offers a future-proof alternative with its application layering solution (FlexApp). By pulling applications away from the OS and placing them in their own “application layer,” individual applications can be easily and flexibly delivered to any platform. Various Windows versions, hybrid environments or multiple application versions that have to run simultaneously are not a problem.

To make the transition as smooth as possible, not to lose previous investments and to take future developments into account, Liquidware offers the possibility to convert App-V packages directly to FlexApp. Also when an organization choose to migrate its workspace in the future, FlexApp and associated packages remain usable. FlexApp integrates seamlessly with all leading (physical/virtual/cloud) workstations and solutions such as Intune.

Future-proof, frustration-proof, cost-efficient-proof

FlexApp attaches applications into a Windows environment on-demand.

Applications look and interact as if they are natively installed into the OS.

Apps can be packaged automatically, based on a PowerShell driven API.

Applications become portable application layers that can be assigned by group, department, or context-based.

Applications are delivered platform agnostic, as FlexApp supports all workspaces.

With App-V becoming end-of-life soon, many organizations are looking into alternatives. According to the “Application Compatibility Matrix” of ApplicationReadiness, FlexApp has the highest compatibility rate compared to MSIX and even App-V. Make sure to review application layering as a solution to enhance and future-proof your application management practice!

Whitepaper: "Considerations for a Future-Proof Application Management Strategy"

In this whitepaper, we provide an overview of how application management has evolved to this day, including the limitations with regards to application delivery on the modern workspace. We provide insight in how application layering can help future-proofing your digital workspace.

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